Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We went to a 4th of July picnic and Darcey got her face painted as a butterfly. She was so upset when we had to clean it off!!!
Dawson LOVED the fireworks! Everytime a firework would bust open, he'd let out a big squeal, would kick his legs and get all excited! The pix of him are from the morning of 4th of July.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Darcey's Dance Recital

We are SO PROUD of our little dancer! She knew all of her steps and never watched her teachers. She was the shining star, was smiling so big and was so happy to be up on the "big stage"!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Darcey and Dawson...they are starting to finally show some resemblances and look like they are related. Daddy and I so proud of them both and has to show them off everywhere we go!

He's so handsome!!!

Dawson at 6 1/2 weeks. The first pix kind of looks bad, but it is hilarious!!! Another unplanned shot! But the next pix, he seems to be thinking "I'm so cute and I know it".


I know that this is a gross pix...but I had to publish it. This is definitely an unplanned shot that I think is just hilarious! He is 5 weeks old. This is definitely one that I will have to show to his future girlfriends.

Princess Darcey

Our 3 year old Darcey. She is so grown up and is getting smarter and prettier everyday. We love watching her grow and love watching her develop her own unique little personality.

Our Lil' Teddy Bear

Amazing (yet scary) as to how much he looks like his daddy!!